1). What is career?
Ans. A career is a sequence of positions or jobs held by a person during the course of his working life. According to Flippo, “a career is a sequence of separate but related work activities that provide continuity, order and meaning to a person’s life.
2). What do you mean by career planning?
Ans. Career planning is the systematic process by which one selects career goals. From the organization point of view it means helping the employees to plan their career in terms of their capacities within the context of organization’s needs.
3). What are the characteristics of career planning?
Ans. The characteristics of career planning are: -
* Career planning is a process of developing human resource rather than an event.
* It is not an end in itself but a means of managing people to obtain optimum results.
* Career planning is a continuous process.
* The basic aim of career planning is integration of individual and organizational needs.
4). Differentiate between career planning and manpower planning?
Ans. Career planning is an integral part of manpower planning which in turn is an important part of corporate planning but they are different from each other as: -
* Manpower planning provides an inventory of skills and potentials available in the organization. On the other hand career planning determines who could be groomed for higher level assignments.
* Manpower planning provides information on the human resources available within the organization for expansion, growth and technological innovations. But career planning can only tell who could succeed in case of , resignation etc. of existing employees.
5). What are the objectives of career planning?
Ans. Career planning seeks following objectives: -
* To map out careers of employees suitable to their ability and their willingness to be trained and developed for higher position.
* To attract and retain the right type of persons in the organization.
* To have more stable workforce.
* It reduces labor turnover and absenteeism.
* To ensure better use of human resources through more satisfied and productive employees.
* To achieve higher productivity and organizational development.
* To improve employee morale and motivation.
6). How can we can career planning an effective activity? Career Planning
Ans. We can make career planning an effective activity by following ways: -
* An organization can create an environment and express genuine concern for development.
* An organization must have clear corporate goals.
* Long term manpower projections can be made in enterprises and there exist ample opportunities for vertical mobility.
* Selection of right jobs is essential for career planning.
* Harmony between the growth needs of the organization and aspirations of individual employees.
* Career planning and development should be carried out on a continuous basis.
* A career plan should be given wide publicity within the organization.
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16 years ago
Keeping the workplace challenging and engaging is important. Happy employees are productive ones, and for many the same routine of punching the time clock everyday gets old fast.
career options
A very informative post on career planning; in fact career planning is inevitable in life, thanks for the post!
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